Welcome, international students! 来,到深技大留学吧!

What’s it like to study at SZTU?
Let’s explore it virtually!

In order to promote international exchange and cooperation in higher education amidst COVID-19 pandemic, enhance the publicity for international student admission and give the students an insight into “Study at SZTU”, Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) participated in the China Education Opportunities Virtual Event 2022 – Study in China, which was held by China Education Association for International Exchange from April 27 to April 29. Over 140 universities and colleges across China participated in this virtual event and attracted teachers and students from different countries in Asia, Europe, America and Africa to visit online.
Study at SZTU

Responsible for arranging this event, the International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office of SZTU took advantage of two major publicity channels provided at the event, namely the homepage display and live streaming, to give a comprehensive presentation on the latest developments, campus environment, school features and majors for international students of SZTU via text, photos, videos and real-time interaction.

English homepage of SZTU displayed on the virtual event platform
4月29日下午,我校线上直播宣讲活动顺利展开。本次直播由国际合作与学生工作部主任曾思予主持,商学院院长及讲席教授Holger Haldenwang、城市交通与物流学院院长及讲席教授Franz Raps主讲,国际合作与学生工作部及教务部相关教职工、我校留学生代表,以及对我校感兴趣的国外师生共同连线参与。
On April 29, SZTU held the live-streaming session successfully. Ms. Zeng Siyu, director of the International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office of SZTU, chaired the session. The live presentation was given by Prof. Holger Haldenwang, dean and chair professor of Business School, and Prof. Franz Raps, dean and chair professor of College of Urban Transportation and Logistics. It was also attended by staff from the International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office and Department of Academic Affairs, international student representatives of SZTU, and foreign teachers and students who were interested in our university.

Holger Haldenwang教授首先展示了深圳技术大学办学特色、校园建设、学院及专业、师资及科研情况。他表示学校拥有地处深圳的区位优势,以及高水平国际化的师资队伍,建设发展迅速。此外,学校充分借鉴了德国、瑞士等国家一流应用技术大学先进办学经验,坚持创新人才培养模式,发展应用型科研;同时紧密对接产业需求设置专业,目前14个学院共开设了30个本科专业可供留学生选择,包含20门英文授课课程,其中商学院设有全英文授课特色专业——国际商务。
Prof. Holger Haldenwang gave an overview of the school features, campus construction, colleges and majors, teaching staff and scientific research of SZTU. He showed that located in Shenzhen, SZTU has been developing rapidly with its geographical advantages and high-level international faculty team. Besides, SZTU has been drawing on advanced experience from universities of applied sciences in Germany, Switzerland and other countries to innovate its talent training model and develop applied research. Meanwhile, SZTU has set up 14 colleges with 30 undergraduate majors for international students that closely match the industrial demands, including 20 courses taught in English. In particular, the Business School offers International Business as a featured major taught in English.
Prof. Holger Haldenwang

Franz Raps教授从多方面展示了深技大的校企合作和国际合作成果、学生项目竞赛风采以及校园生活。他表示深技大与超过200家企业建立合作,为学生的实习实践提供了广阔的发展平台,而同学们也在众多国内外竞赛中斩获佳绩。同时,我校积极与来自17个国家和地区的65所境外院校和机构建立伙伴关系,为学生创造了国际化学习交流平台和多元文化环境。此外,国际学生在深技大可享受到优质的住宿和饮食条件、丰富的文体活动以及便利的生活设施。
Prof. Franz Raps introduced SZTU’s university-enterprise cooperation and international cooperation achievements, student project and competition highlights, as well as campus life. He stated that SZTU has cooperated with over 200 enterprises and provided a broad platform of internships and practice for students. SZTU students have also claimed excellent results in multiple domestic and international competitions. Meanwhile, SZTU has built partnerships with 65 overseas universities and institutions from 17 countries and regions, thus creating a global learning and exchange platform as well as a multicultural environment for students. Besides, international students can enjoy great living and dining conditions, colorful cultural and sports activities, together with convenient amenities.
Prof. Franz Raps

此次直播宣讲还邀请了我校健康与环境工程学院联培博士生Asim Zaman分享了留学深技大的感受。他表示,虽然来到这里时间还不长,但已经感受到了家一般的温暖,大家都非常友善,因此热烈欢迎国际学生来到深技大学习。

Asim Zaman
Experience Sharing
The live-streaming session also invited Asim Zaman who is studying the joint doctoral program at the College of Health Science and Environmental Engineering to share his experience at SZTU. He said that although he has come to SZTU for only a few weeks, he already feels right at home because people here are very friendly. So, he warmly welcomes other international students to study at SZTU.
此外,曾于2017年来到深技大进行短期交流的德国慕尼黑应用技术大学毕业生Dennis Schenk,也通过直播向我们分享了他在深技大的学习感受。他表示第一次来中国就来到了深技大,学校给予了很好的关怀照顾,使他非常轻松地融入了新环境,宿舍环境也很不错。

Dennis Schenk
Experience Sharing
Besides, Dennis Schenk, a graduate from Munich University of Applied Sciences in Germany who came to SZTU for short-term exchanges in 2017, also shared his study experience via the live streaming. He said that visiting SZTU was his very first trip to China, but due to the excellent care he received here, it was pretty easy for him to adjust to the new environment, and SZTU provided very fair living conditions.
Q&A 互动环节
在最后的实时问答互动环节,我校众多国际合作伙伴参与会议并积极互动,如波恩-莱茵-锡格应用技术大学和安特卫普Artesis Plantijn大学学院,另有埃及中国大学等其他海外院校机构参与互动。多所院校表示,希望就未来与我校展开合作进行进一步探讨交流。针对留学生关心的重点问题及直播观众的提问,Holger Haldenwang教授和Franz Raps教授以及国际合作与学生工作部相关教职工也给予了耐心细致的解答。
At the Q&A session, many international partners of SZTU joined the session and interacted with SZTU, such as Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp, and other foreign institutions such as Egyptian Chinese University also took part in the session. Some of them expected to have more discussions with SZTU on future cooperation. Prof. Haldenwang, Prof. Raps and the staff from the International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office answered several questions that international students cared about and the audience asked.

Faced with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years, SZTU has taken advantage of Internet platforms to maintain cooperation and exchanges with overseas universities and institutions. Ms. Zeng Siyu, director of the International Cooperation & Student Affairs Office, hoped that this virtual event will help SZTU overcome the restrictions in time and space, create more opportunities for SZTU’s international cooperation and student admission, and offer an excellent platform for international students to study in China through both online and offline channels. We look forward to welcoming students all around the world with dreams and aspirations to study at SZTU!
Study at SZTU

Please check the following links for more details on the international student admission to SZTU:
我校线上展主页(English homepage of SZTU at the virtual event):
我校英文官网(English website of SZTU):